Monday, February 10, 2014

On The Road

Well, I doubt I'll be writing much this week, but I'll do my best! We are moving to another state, which is going to be interesting since we are remodeling the house we are moving to.

With my husband's oilfield job he doesn't get much time off. So, when he gets time off we pretty much have to drop everything and get things taken care of. We are hoping to meet with the contractor and then the bank this week.

It's about a four and a half hour drive. It's really not that bad of a drive. We did have a little incident on the way today. Surprisingly it wasn't with the boy, but our dog Gizmo. He's a shitzu, and he throws up a LOT. Like, seriously. So, he starts gagging while sitting in my lap as we are going down the turnpike. Since I know my husband won't be able to pull over in time.

Let me tell you, from experience, DON'T. EVER. Do. THAT.

Let's just say I ended up with dog puke on my face and all over the side of the truck. No bueno.

Then, as the hubby is getting something to clean up with, the do throws up AGAIN! In my lap. All over my coat. It's supposed to snow tomorrow.

Can you believe the nerve of my husband, he said 

"I told you not to do that, it'd get all over my truck."

All I could say was:

"I have dog puke on my FACE!"

As my Mom always says "We'll be laughing about it later." It didn't take us too long.

Now, we are relaxing at a friends cabin, coat in the wash, watching free birds, I'm working on knitting, & the little guy is playing blocks & trucks.

Pray we make some headway this week. Maybe I'll post some before pictures!

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