Sunday, February 16, 2014

Eating Right, Take Two

I can believe that I stopped working out and eating right almost a year ago. I lost like 35 pounds in 2012. I gained 30 back last year. Whyyyyy did I let myself do that?!? That's what I ask myself now. I don't believe in making excuses. I just got tired/gave up, I guess. I will say this, last year was a battle with my depression. It seemed like a struggle all year long. I don't know if that's the reason I stopped working out, or a symptom of not working out. Either way, I'm back to working on ME this year.

Plus, my husband and I placed a little monetary bet with each other. The person to lose the most (we need to do BMI, I know, I know) weight wins X amount of money. I'm not usually competitive, but I can't let my husband hold this over my head forever.

For those concerned, all I'm really interested in is a healthy weight. I won't let my BMI get too low. I want to be within the "Healthy" numbers though. Diabetes and other weight related problems are prevalent in my family. Those are serious things to be concerned about when it comes to "extra weight". So, please don't think I'm doing this to be superficial. Granted, I wouldn't mind having a smoking hot bod haha. That's not my priority though, health is. 

I got this array of goodies in this weekend! I promise, Amazon doesn't pay me. And, before you recommend AA (Amazon Anonymous), if I can't find it at Walmart I buy it on Amazon. I'm slightly limited in my shopping where I live. Plus, I hate driving and dragging my three year old to places like health food stores. So, yeah, that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

What my UPS guy thinks..

Chia Seeds - AMAZING! I've made Chia pudding & topped it with fruit, I've added it to smoothies, & to my Kombucha. It gives you a great energy boost & it is very filling! I was freaked out when I first heard of it because when it rehydrates it kind if looks like fish eggs. Texture was not a problem for me though. I don't think they really have much of flavor.

Chia Pudding

Goji Berries - They're very good! They're supposed to be a super food. I added them to some nuts and seeds for a healthy little snack. They're sweet, like any other dried fruit.

Braggs Nutritional Yeast - This is often used by vegitarians to get proper nutrition. It has kind of a cheesy flavor. I used it on some kale chips and roasted chickpeas. Very good! I've got lots of recipes I want to try using it in.

Tea Sampler - I loved the echinacea! The respiratory support not so much. I think it had fennel in it, and I LOTHE fennel. The Throat Coat was okay, not great. I haven't tried the Gypsy Cold yet, but I'm thinking from now on I'll stick with the echinacea. It has LOTS of health benefits.
PB2 - I've yet to try it actually, but I'm planning to use the chocolate in a banana & Kiefer smoothie before bed! If I'm feeling a bit hungry.

My Fitness Plan

So far I've started the couch to 5K plan again. Today I finished week 2, Day 1. I'm hoping to skip some days and finish it in 6 weeks. I'm thinking about signing up for a 5K on March 29th. That way I have a specific goal to work towards! Other than thinking about it, I haven't done any other workouts. I'm thinking about doing some kettle bell workouts soon. I have lots of plans, only time will tell about the follow through.

After my run tonight

Honestly, I'm already feeling better and sleepIng better. I'm determined to make this stick. I'd like to add, I'm not following any diet. I prefer just eating healthy and REAL foods. I'm not a fan for fad diets. I'm wanting to change habits, not follow a trend.

I'll keep y'all posted on my results and new food finds :)

PS. Sorry I take horrible pictures!

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