Thursday, May 8, 2014

13 Week Bump Date: End Of 1st Trimester

I'm officially 13 weeks today! This is the last week of the first trimester, so exciting! 

As you can tell by the picture, I'm EXHAUSTED! I have no problem sleeping, except having to pee about a million times at night. I actually fell asleep before Kyle the other night, even he said it was a first. I've got this super awesome pregnancy pillow that gives me lots of support and helps me get comfortable. It's a must have. 

Morning sickness-wise, I haven't really had any. That's been awesome! I was really sick with Joey. I'd dry heave like every morning all the way into the second trimester. 

We've been on the road so much with our remodel and I've been having a hard time eating right, drinking plenty of water, & exercising. I'd like to improve these areas in my second trimester. 

Mostly I've been craving fruit & occasionally other random things. Currently I want some homemade ice cream. I'm hoping my amazing husband will bring me an ice cream maker from Bed, Bath, & Beyond today!! Oh, and I'm like a kid in a candy store when I walk through the produce section. I. Just. Want. Fruit! 

Last week I was dealing pretty bad with sciatica and round ligament pain. I ordered a maternity belt and it's helping a ton! I'm guessing the pain is because I started showing SO early. The weight is just causing strain on my body.

Last Friday I also had a migraine so bad I threw up. I had some major swelling the next day. I was told to keep an eye on my blood pressure the next time it happened. Well, it did again yesterday. We had been out in the heat and I got light headed, nauseous, & a migraine. I checked my BP and it was slightly elevated, but not dangerous. I'm just going to have to keep and eye on it and limit my sodium. Like, no sodium. Bye-bye, chips. 

I am so excited to find out what the second trimester brings & to find out if we're having a boy or girl!