Monday, February 17, 2014

I Can't Just Quit

Yup, it's Monday. Insomnia kicked my butt last night. Allergies are kicking my butt this morning. I've come to realize Kyle's dog is in fact NOT house trained, just sneaky. When I went to tackle that mess with my carpet steamer, I realized it was mildewed. Thank goodness for bleach!! Too bad I don't solve my problems with alcohol, because Joey had a case of the "whines". I just eat when I'm stressed, but I'll get to that shortly.

Le sigh.

I wrote most of the previous part this morning, in the heat of it all. Basically, we were bothe pretty cranky the rest of the day. Not too much improvement. I was cranky due to lack of sleep and fussy three year old. He was just cranky. I gave up on getting my to do list done and came to terms with the fact that the day wasn't going to get any better if I was in tizzy of to do lists and tantrums. 

Tonight (it's midnight, hello again insomnia), I was reflecting back on our day. I was feeling extremely guilty about the food I ate today. How odd is it I was craving a chili cheese dog from sonic and they were $1 today?! Totally random, and awesome. When we fail at something sometimes our first thought is "Well, I messed that up royally, time to give up." I know I have the tendency to give up easily when things don't work out like I want them to. 

So, after the thought of giving up, my next thought was:

"I can't give up, I've already put it out there 'on the line'. (name the movie that 'phrase' is from and you get brownie points) I want to be a source of motivation. I don't want to be someone who gives up."


How is that any different than being a parent? Besides that raising a child is much more important than any health goal, it's not.

How they're the same

- People would notice
 If I stopped posting about eating right and started posting all these fatty, yummy, cheesey recipes people would be like "I thought she was on a health kick!" If I just 'quit' being a mom people would be like "Hey, what happened to your kid? I haven't seen him lately."

- Motivation
I want to inspire other people to be healthy & to be the best parent they can. I'm also not perfect at either of those things. No one is. People need to see real struggles. I'm a huge fan of transparency. I want people to know that just because you struggle with emotional eating doesn't mean you're doomed to be overweight. On the parenting side of things people need to see that too. They need to see that everyone has those bad days, sometimes all we can do is make sure everyone (that we're responsible for) makes it through the day alive. It's okay not to be perfect. We tend to forget that.

- I'm no quitter
I want to live a healthy life style. I know it's hard sometimes, but it'll be so worth it in the end. I want to be the best mom I can to Joey. Even though I want to run away sometimes, I know it'll be worth it in the end. To raise a son who will hopefully eventually motivate others himself by his own life.

Dishes in the sink when you went to bed? They'll still be there tomorrow.

Laundry needs restarted in the washer? It'll still be there tomorrow.

No pounds lost? They'll still be there tomorrow.

Didn't hit up the gym? It'll still be there tomorrow.

Kid fell asleep in from of the TV? Their brain won't turn to mush, unless its Calliou..

You ate the WHOLE family sized bag of chips, alone? Those calories will be there to burn tomorrow.

Sometimes, all we can do it make it through the day. Don't beat yourself up, but don't give up either. Somewhere someone needs YOU! So, you can't quit.

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