Tuesday, February 25, 2014

New Car, Remodel Update, & My Birthday!!

Seriously, we've had two Mondays in a row. I was looking forward to nap time (which is on it's way out the door) at 10 this morning.

Earlier Joey heard me say "I'm outta whack."

He said "Don't be outta quack."

(Insert my laugh here)

Joey "Ha I'm funny."

Even when this adorable little boy makes me want to pull my hair out he can still make me laugh.

Now for a recap of our week.. 

I got a new car! Wooo hoo! We've been talking about getting a Tahoe for a while now. We finally did! We love it & honestly I can't see me ever driving any other type of vehicle. It's perfect for us. It is so roomy and comfy.

Ignore the junk in my yard please...

The next day we loaded up my car & Kyle's truck & headed back to Oklahoma.

I didn't get any before pictures, but these are the afters of what we got done cleaning on the garage this weekend. Let me tell you, it was a lot. I'm still kicking myself for not taking before pictures. I want to go through the house & land and take before pictures of it all before we start major work.

We also cut down a limb, okay, Kyle did the hard part. But, my mother in law & I stacked brush & wood.

See the white spot on the tree? That's where the limb was. Yet again, no before.

Our brush pile,

This will be our kitchen & dining room. Kyle finished ripping out cabinets this trip. He may or may not have nicked the water line with the chainsaw he was using to take the cabinets out. Good thing my father in law is a plumber!!

We got to enjoy lots of time outdoors, thank goodness for nice weather! This lead to some blog inspiration, hopefully I'll get around to writing about it soon!

Friday was my birthday! Woohoo! I'm 24 now, for those curious. I got my nails done that day. That night my parents kept Joey until Sunday morning! Kyle and I went to dinner and a movie. I'm LOVING having help. Our family is the best.

First thing Saturday we met with the contractor. Still waiting on a solid number, & I'm trying not to freak out, ha. Anxiety. That afternoon I got my hair done by one of my childhood friends. After my hair appointment and seeing Joey for a bit we headed to Tulsa. 

This was supposed to be my BIG birthday night. Our first stop was bass pro, my choice. I wanted I look at hiking gear and bows. Followed by sushi. The next part of our plan was to go to a comedy club. We had an hour or so to kill, so we got our hotel room & headed to Barnes & Nobel (aka heaven). After we left, I told Kyle I wouldn't be opposed to swinging by the Cheesecake Factory and getting cheesecake to go and taking it back to our hotel room. That was the exciting end to my birthday night out. Eating tuxedo cheesecake in bed while watching one of the Bourne movies, well Kyle was, I was on Pinterest. I wouldn't change a thing. I think I'm officially old though.


  1. I'll enjoy being able to keep up with you after you move! Keep up the blogging!

  2. Thank you!! I'll do my best to keep it up!
